Showing 1–9 of 65 results
Coagulation Sodium Citrate (7)
EDTA 2Na/2K , 6-Aminohexanoic Acid ,Glycine G.R (1)
EDTA K2 (4)
EDTA K2 with Gel (5)
EDTA K3 (6)
EDTA K3 with Gel (4)
ESR (Sodium Citrate ) (2)
Lithium Heparin (3)
Lithium Heparin With Gel (4)
No Additive (3)
Serum Clot Activator (3)
Serum Gel and Clot Activator (5)
Sodium Flouride + k3EDTA (3)
Sodium Flouride + Potassium Oxalate (4)
Sodium Heparin (3)
Sodium Heparin with Gel (3)
Thrombin (2)
Thrombin with Gel (3)